So, what’s the big deal about EV’s anyway?

Member article by Dave Goodman.

I am, and always have been, something of a petrol-head, and I am also a massive techie, so for me, the whole concept of an EV was an attractive one. How does that relate to me you may ask….. well, read-on.

I got my first taste of (sort of) EV ownership when I dipped-my toe into hybrid ownership with a VW Passat GTE, Plug-in Hybrid.

I was like a kid in a sweet-shop, with loads of gadgets, and toys to play with, but it was still, at heart, a petrol car, that was compromised by being so very heavy so wasn’t particularly economical to run (with around 15miles real electric range).

I took the plunge (which also coincided with a mid-life crisis) and purchased my first REAL EV, an amazing Tesla Model X. This was just the dream, it was huge, handy for my family, but also just the most amazing drive. I honestly thought I had hit the jackpot, having lusted-over one of these since they were launched a few years prior.

Many of you would have seen Stormtrooper being shown at various meets with the club at Wollaton Park and Wheatcroft etc, and this continued when I replaced it with another Model X, Darth Maul (bit of a Star Wars theme there)….. This time a performance Ludicrous.

I have been an active member of the Nottingham EV club since then, and also the various Tesla groups, and have answered many, many questions from people over that time.

• “Are you not worried about range (range anxiety)?”

o No, Typically EV’s will tell you when they will need charging, and in most cases will direct you to a locally avallable chargepoint as- needed. In nearly 4 years of EV ownership (and over 100,000 miles, I have had ZERO issues with charging or anxiety about charge levels.

o Additionally, most people don’t drive over 100miles without a stop, and most Motorway Service Stations have chargers that can top-up your battery while you nip to the loo, or grab a coffee.

• “Are you not scared that your car will burn itself out?”

o EVs are statistically FAR less likely to burn-out when compared to Petrol, Diesel or Hybrid cars.

• “EV’s cost so much more than a Petrol or Diesel car.”

o Not everybody drives a high-end ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) car, and exactly the same applies to EVs. My new car, for instance, is a Peugeot e-3008 Electric car, which costs around the same as it’s petrol equivalent. Prices are falling very quickly, and there are some amazing deals out there if you look.

• “Servicing costs are really high.”

o Again, this varies between manufacturers, but Tesla cars do not require a standard service at-all. Servicing for many EVs is cheaper or on-par with their ICE equivalent as there are FAR less moving parts, no oil-changes, and my first Tesla was still on it’s original brakes at 100,000 miles!

• “The batteries wear out, and cost more than the car to replace.”

o Most EVs have an 8 year warranty on the Battery, and long-term statistics have shown that EV batteries last for many years, and are incredibly reliable. You can also buy third-party warranties on the battery for long-term piece-of-mind if you wish,

• “I live in a flat, so can’t charge at home”.

o Whilst charging at-home is the cheapest option in most cases, many people who worry about this issue, can’t fill their ICE car up at home either, so it’s a moot-point in many cases.

• “EVs pollute the planet more than ICE cars, because of all the heavy metals”

o Most of what you have read about battery production has been debunked as misinformation by the Oil Lobby. Batteries do have an impact on the environment, however fewer and fewer heavy metals are used in modern EV battery production, and in the majority of cases, expired batteries are 100% recyclable, and used for home battery storage etc too. The average EV will be doing less harm to the environment after around 10,000 miles, than any ICE car. The ICE car will continue to pollute the air during the whole time it is in-use.

So, overall, EV ownership is far-cheaper in the long-run than any equivalent ICE car, is smoother, faster, less-polluting, and in many cases more enjoyable to drive.

What’s not to like?

Dave Goodman, January 2025


My Hopes for EVs in 2025