The Surprising Culprit Behind Electric Car Breakdowns: The 12V Battery

As the automotive industry continues to embrace the electric revolution, electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular. Even though it is very uncommon, a significant proportion of electric car breakdowns are attributed to a seemingly mundane component – the 12V battery. 

The Role of the 12V Battery:

Just like traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, electric cars rely on a 12V battery to power essential auxiliary systems, such as lights, ventilation, infotainment systems, and power windows. However, this seemingly minor battery also plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall functionality of an electric vehicle as without it you aren’t going anywhere. In an ICE car the 12V battery is usually kept topped up by the alternator but in an EV a device called a DC-to-DC inverter is used instead. The DC-to-DC inverter converts the power of the high voltage battery pack to the 12V battery. 

A 12V battery failure or a low 12V battery can show itself in many ways and as the 12V battery controls many of the same things that it does in an ICE vehicle the faults are broadly the same. 

  1. The car might not ‘start’. If there is not enough charge in the 12V battery then the high voltage battery pack may not be allowed to engage. 

  2. You might also see some error codes are faults appear in the main display, theses could be wide ranging and often the individual errors have no connection. A common sign in ICE cars too.

  3. Like the first one, if the 12V has failed or is too low you may not be able to charge the high voltage battery pack. If the pack can’t engage then you can’t charge too. 

While breakdowns are rare, 12V batteries are main point of failure in EVs so its worth bearing in mind when driving one. Checking the battery voltage periodically will help you avoid being stuck and if you want to be extra cautious carrying a booster pack will ensure you can get out of most 12V battery issues if they ever do happen to you. 

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